If you do one thing for your health

Test the food you eat for possible allergy symptoms. Allergy UK has found that food allergies can exacerbate hay fever. According to The Daily Telegraph, four in 10 hay fever sufferers also develop symptoms to nuts, fruit, vegetables or spices. The condition is caused by the proteins in some of these foods.

Nutrition bite

Condiments can be a big source of hidden calories because many people don't take them into account.

The worst offenders are energy-dense foods. Most condiments also lack vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, states a report on www.greatest.com. The offenders are mayonnaise, rich salad dressing, anything with cream in it and sweet condiments like syrup.

Breakthrough of the week

If you think you may be a workaholic, researchers in Norway and the UK have developed a new tool to measure your work obsession.

Dubbed the Bergen Work Addiction Scale, it is reportedly a first-of-its-kind measuring stick.

Employees can determine their degree of work addiction such as non-addicted, mildly addicted or workaholic, says lead researcher Cecilie Schou Andreassen from the faculty of psychology at the University of Bergen.

Bizarre of the week

A Taipei office worker married herself because she was uninspired by her choice in men. The lavish ceremony for herself and family members cost US$5675.

She posed for a set of photos in a flowing white dress, enlisted a wedding planner and rented a banquet hall. She then took herself on a solo honeymoon to Australia.

Source: The Times

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