Top Dog - Three intimate jazz shows at Grandwest in July

Top Dog SA to play the Roxy Review Bar at Grandwest for the first time.

5, 6, and 7 July - three nights and a mere 450 seats make this highly anticipated new album reveal July's hottest, must-see show.

Top Dog SA's saxophonist Donveno Prins, who most recently lead the band for the inaugural run for David Kramer's Kanala show at The Fugard Theatre, is also the band's leader. Add Camillo Lombard on keyboards, Charlton Daniels on bass, Mornay Hoffmeester on drums and Mark Williams on guitar and you're in the company of some of South Africa's most highly sought after and hugely respected music makers who've played with some of the greats. Now it's their turn to shine and you're invited.

Described as a fresh vibrant band, and a force to be reckoned with, Top Dog SA has already made its mark in venues as diverse as Bellville Velodrome, right through to Carnival City in Johannesburg. They've also featured at major music festivals, including Cape Town International Jazz Festival, Jazz On The Rocks Festival, Safricon Jazz Fest, Kenya, and Satchmo's Jazz Fest in Nigeria.

With a recipe that's made up of equal parts Afro Vibes and fusion jazz fuelled by Khoi-san legacy and various indigenous African rhythms the band calls "KhoiJazz".

"We'll be doing two sets," Don reveals, "where the full repertoire of our musical influences and stories will be played." "It's going to be two hours of exceptional music," Mornay adds. "Some tracks, from our recently released debut album, Griqua DNA, have never been played live before, so we're excited to perform them in front of a live audience for the very first time. The vibe in the studio was amazing when we recorded these songs, so seeing how they'll translate live has us all filled with nervous anticipation. It's a great place and privilege for any musician to be in that space."

The collective is also focused on youth and community development, sharing their time and talent teaching youth in impoverished communities, as well as presenting reading classes, and supporting events like the Music Exchange.

Date: 05 July 2016 to 07 July 2016
Time: 20:00 - 22:00
Venue: Grand West, Cape Town
Cost: R150.00

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GrandWest -Roxy Review Bar

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