Woman Zone story sharing

Tell us your story at the Woman Zone story sharing event at Mogalakwena Gallery on April 2

Story-sharing is fast becoming the way to share, connect, listen and learn about other people. If you have a story to share join Woman Zone at Mogalakwena Art and Craft Gallery as part of the 'First-Thursday' event when city art galleries, shops, restaurants and coffee shops open their doors for a city walkabout. The addition of a Woman Zone story-sharing event at Mogalakwena has added a new dimension. Woman Zone have established a monthly series of open mic Story-sharing at the gallery which coincides with their current exhibition, and guests are invited to share their stories informally in this creative environment.

The Story-sharing follows the successful 13 Women Storytelling series presented last year, which will shortly appear in book form as "Being a woman in Cape Town: Telling your story". The purpose is to stimulate women from all communities to meet, share and listen to one another.
Woman Zone invites you to join them on this 'First-Thursday' of April and diarise each month for regular Story-sharing.
Where: Mogalakwena Craft Art Gallery, 3 Church Street, Cape Town
When: Thursday, April 2, 6.30 pm
az.oc.tcenoznamow@ofni/083 431 9986

Date: 02 April 2015
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Venue: Mogalakwena Gallery, 3 Church Street, Cape Town
Cost: Free

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