The Youth Opportunities Expo 2016

The thematic focuses are on starting, skilling, re-skilling and changing of careers.

This also encompasses the engagement of open trade amongst young entrepreneurs, support services, partnership engagements and lastly bursaries, scholarships and e-learning and distance learning awareness and engagements.

80 000 students

5000 young professionals

Nine days

Village structured interlocking halls which allow for even exposure - yes I know that you don't want to exhibit at an expo where no-one comes to your stand.

Virtual I.D. cards for all 80 000 students will be monitored on an hourly basis. (for security regulations and safety purposes).

Hashtag 76 commemorating JUNE 16

Special offers: book a stand before the 25th of April and get a free full page, full colour advert in Career Choice magazine which coincides with this 9 day event.

Ask me for the media kit for this publication, you won't believe its distribution channels and what they mean for your private business when you infiltrate the public sector with such a conducive convenience.

How is this event different from the rest?

Every exhibitor will have a chance to introduce themselves and their business.
controlled attendance to your stand through the village structure.

What am I not allowed to do?

-Your'e not allowed to not ask about tailor-made packages and discounts!
-Your'e not allowed to not introduce something that will make your exhibition unique for us to make it happen for you!
-Your'e not allowed to not get 30% discount at the 2017 expo event if you re-book in 2016. (by the way that's 30% off of the 2016 costs)

We are directly changing the economic independence of South Africa at its very foundation.

Actively investing in empowering local business and entrepreneurship.

Re-enforcing the pillars of our economy.

A private and public sector joint event!

Date: 10 June 2016 to 19 June 2016
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: NASREC, Johannesburg

For more, visit: