Deep dive in design thinking - April 2016

This in depth design thinking training in Cape Town offers a unique team of highly experienced design thinking practitioners from the business, design and academic world. It is a three-day experiential immersion in 'learning by doing'. Participants learn to apply design thinking tools and mindset in their working environment.

Highlights of in depth design thinking training:
The design thinking fast tracking Innovation capability training offers a unique team of highly experienced design thinking practitioners from the business, design and academic world. They will act as facilitators and take you on a journey of transformation on a personal, professional and organisational level. During this journey you'll work closely together with the facilitators on the following topics:

Applying design thinking in a complex business environment;
Building empathy inside an organisation, using customer feedback, creating insights and translating them into implementable opportunities;
Fundamental principles of innovation and design thinking;
Creating stakeholder and sponsor buy-in;
How to successfully develop a culture of design-led innovation.

As a true 'learning by doing' experience during the three days, we will work on a challenge (social innovation project). Using design thinking mindset and tools we will work on finding new and innovative service scenarios that are truly valuable for people. We will connect to these stakeholders by doing user research and testing prototypes.

Background information
We strongly believe in 'learning by doing', so the in depth design thinking training will be a high energy and hands-on event. You'll be challenged to work in small teams on a real case and learn to work with service design and design thinking tools like personas, cultural probes, customer journey mapping, stakeholder mapping, value network mapping, prototyping, business modeling, road mapping and more. Moreover, the focus of this program will be on exploring the questions how to integrate these tools in an organisation and how to create buy-in within an organisation and with your sponsors.

The end result is aimed at a transformation of the participants, knowledge of tools and methods, a deep understanding of the value of design, and professional and personal growth.

Who should subscribe to the in depth design thinking training?
The in depth design thinking training is especially designed for 'industry leaders', 'senior government policy makers' and 'independent professionals' who want to take the next step towards actually using design thinking in their daily work. Next to learning service design thinking tools and methodology and transforming your way of thinking and your mindset, the bootcamp coaches are all practitioners and will guide participants toward putting design thinking into practice.

How will the program change your daily working life?
Our main objective is to provide you with hands-on tools that you can use immediately the next day in your working environment. But we will also facilitate train-the-trainer aspects, so by transforming your mindset and your way of thinking you will be able to train your own team.

Besides the training programme, you will be handed a toolkit, certificate and access to the DT Academy Network virtual environment.

For reservations please click below:

Date: 11 April 2016 to 13 April 2016
Time: 08:30 - 17:30
Venue: Workshop 17; V&A Waterfront, Cape Town
Cost: R14,950 (early-bird)

More info:

WORKSHOP17 provides an alternative space to really explore new thinking in the creative and business arena.

For more, visit: