Joomla - How to build websites and CMS

Let us introduce you to the wonderful and effortless world of CMS (Content Management System). We will show you how to create, customize, control and maintain your website over time without difficulty by using CMS. A tool that allows users to manage their web content by simplifying the web publishing process without being an expert on HTML.

Joomla is one of the world' s most popular open source CMS. It enables millions of individuals and business owners worldwide to easily create and build a variety of websites and web-enabled applications.

When it comes to building websites it's always been a struggle to provide a client with a website that they can update themselves without needing the expertise of a web developer. With this in mind Content Management Systems was born. What makes this technology even more exciting is the fact that it offers a foundation for a website that can evolve as the needs of the company/service changes.

During the workshop we will show you how to implement the backend and front end, customise the design using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and then go on to showcase the best ways of finding these "components, modules and plugins" and show you how to implement them into your website. With CMS systems there is no web project too big as there's always a way to strategise around what's available and what can be customised in order to meet the client's vision.

Come with us on this exciting journey through the two most powerful CMS platforms which will open up endless possibilities for your future web projects.

• Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS

Course material includes:
• USB flash drive with extra material
• The Blogger's book - Manual to Wordpress and Joomla

Date: 12 April 2013
Time: 08:30 - 15:30
Venue: Johannesburg

For more, visit: