Rich Simmonds Talks About Open Leadership

Followed by 373 thousand followers on Twitter, social business activist, Rich Simmonds will be discussing the need for 'open leadership' at Regenesys in Sandton on June 11.

Voted by Forbes as an 'African Top 10 Social Influencer', Simmonds is an author and motivational speaker with an MBA, who believes, "It is the duty of a leader to create more leaders - not more followers." The essence of open leadership is an "open, random and supportive approach" which is proactive. He cites California-based NGO, TOMS Shoes as an example of open leadership in practice - "If you buy a pair of their shoes, they will give a new pair to a child in need."
Leaders need to be creative and analytical and use servant leadership - leading from the bottom in a proactive, enabling manner. "Knowledge is not powerful until it is shared," he says.

His belief is that leaders should treat employees as you would your children - less sympathy, more empathy with action. Find out more on Thursday, 11 June and buy signed copies of Simmonds's business-oriented book on social communication, Mug & Tweet, or his book on relationships, 5 Night Plan. Free entry.

Date: 11 June 2015
Time: 17.30 - 19.30
Cost: Free
Address: 4 Pybus Rd (corner Katherine), Sandton

Issued by: Regenesys Business School
Contact: Stacey Chalklen
Phone: (011) 669-5170
Email: az.oc.syseneger@cyecats

Date: 11 June 2015
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Venue: Regenesys Business School, Johannesburg
Cost: Free

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