SA 2015 maize output edges up 0.8% to 9.83-million tons

SA's maize output is expected to be 9.83-million tons in 2015, up 0.8% from last month's estimate, the crop estimates committee said in its seventh output estimate report for this year.
SA 2015 maize output edges up 0.8% to 9.83-million tons
©saratm via Fotolia

The forecast for white maize was left unchanged at 4.65-million tons while that of the yellow variety edged up 1.6% to 5.18-million tons.

The committee left production estimates for sunflower, soybeans, groundnuts, and sorghum unchanged.

Meanwhile, the expected production of wheat was 1.69-million tons, which was 3.37% less than the previous seasons' crop of 1.750-million tons.

The output forecast for malting barley rose 10.61% than the previous seasons' crop of 302,000 tons.

The expected canola crop was 112,000 tons, which was 7.44% less than the previous seasons' crop of 121,000 tons.

Source: BDpro

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