3rd Annual Africa Enterprise Development and Entre

Come join Africa wide deliberations on investment promotion, women and youth empowerment issues, entrepreneurship promotion, iob creation, economic growth, SMME support, enterprise development strategies, African economic growth and the economic landscape post 2015 MDGs.

Entrepreneurship and enterprise development are at the heart of Africa development, however challenges facing global markets and other local challenges leaves gaps that needs knowledge sharing. The "Global Invest Group" is pleased to have provided an annual platform where both the public and private sectors took part in conversations that address the challenges faced in the global economy. Based on research done, cases and lessons of experience, we are delighted to announce the 3rd Annual Africa Enterprise Development and entrepreneurship investment Agenda to be hosted in Sandton, Johannesburg. This event will be under the theme "transformation for economic growth: skills development and job creation".

Date: 20 April 2016 to 21 April 2016
Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Venue: Cedar Woods of Sandton, Johannesburg

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