SA continues to negotiate Korkie's release

International Relations and Cooperation Deputy Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim will continue consultations over the release of the South African hostage, Pierre Korkie, in Yemen, today.
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Ebrahim left for Yemen on Friday to try and secure Korkie's release. Korkie was abducted in the city of Taiz in May, with his wife Yolande.

The kidnappers had released the wife last week without ransom, but they are now demanding the equivalent of R30m for Korkie's release.

Government has stressed that it will not pay any ransom demanded by an alleged al Qaeda-linked group who are holding the Bloemfontein teacher. International norm around the world is that governments do not pay ransom for any kidnap.

Ebrahim's visit to Yemen is hoped will result in Korkie being released unharmed and as soon as possible.

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