Grass mini cricket will carry on

Cricket SA on Tuesday, 20 April 2010, named a fried-chicken franchise as its new sponsor for mini cricket.

Mini cricket has long been a popular form of the game for children younger than 10 years old. It was previously sponsored by Bakers biscuits and will now be bankrolled by KFC.

The chief executive of Cricket SA, Gerald Majola, described mini-cricket as a “critical part of the game”.

Many of today's top players were introduced to the game through mini cricket, a South African concept that was vigorously promoted by the sports former supremo Ali Bacher.

The mini cricket format allows all the players in a team to participate in batting and bowling, as well as fielding.

“Cricket's true format can often turn kids off,” said a youth coach. “If you spend an afternoon fielding at backstop, go out for a first-ball duck and don't even get a chance to bowl, it can quickly disillusion you. Mini cricket avoids all those pitfalls and gives everyone a chance.”

There had been fears that Cricket SA would not foster the mini cricket game once the Bakers sponsorship was ditched.

Tuesday's announcement of a new backer will mean a new generation will emerge from the mini game.

Source: The Times

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