New online South African destination guide, travel magazine

Nightjar Travel has launched an online destination guide that lists over 1500 things to do and places to go to in South Africa. It covers day walks, mountain biking, fly fishing, paddling, scuba diving, 4x4, rock climbing, horse trails, adventure activities, parks and reserves, regular 'mom & pop' attractions and more in one integrated website.

Contributors from the South African travel industry have written fresh news for the site. The founders believe that this will assist in pushing both domestic and international tourist numbers and seeks to add to incomplete and fragmented information on the internet.

Browsing through the destination database is made simple with a completely new approach to navigation and mapping. The site is fast, uncluttered and vividly illustrated. It has one of the best mapping tools and allows users to publish their favourite journeys for others to read.

To round off, it offers a travel magazine with the site. The magazine runs weekly travelogues and photo galleries.

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