PR blog part of digital communications drive

Cape Town-based PR and communication agency Total Media has launched its own blog in order to allow insight into its work, as well as to cover new marketing and cultural trends ranging from online campaigns to fashion.

Explains Dan Pinch, account director at Total Media: "Communicating through digital channels is becoming increasingly important and something Total Media is passionate about pioneering. Clients are starting to understand that the online environment is no longer a niche channel: the Internet has broad reach and potentially huge influence.

"Commercial reputations are being made and broken online, it makes sense for the PR industry to help our clients succeed in this new communications arena."

Pinch joined Total Media from Weber Shandwick London last year, where he developed consumer and online PR campaigns for the likes of Coca-Cola, Powerade, Intel, Siemens Mobile and

Digital communications is a strong focus for Total Media, which works on high profile PR and marketing campaigns for a diverse range of clients, including Nokia Cape Town Fashion Week, Shell, Virgin Active, trends agency Instant Grass and the Online Publishers Association.

The agency has helped clients adapt messaging for digital channels with recent activity, including video podcasts, digital CRM, e-newsletters and online press room development.

The blog is available at

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