Backlit hoardings brighten the gloom

Primall Media has used backlighting on hoardings at the entrance to shopping malls to draw attention to the designs of jewellery chain, Charles Greig.
Backlit hoardings brighten the gloom

Charles Greig's latest mall advertising campaign required no clever pay-off line to grab the attention of jewel lovers countrywide. With the intent to dominate the entrance of the Hyde Park shopping mall, Unlimited subsidiary, Primall Media was tasked with showcasing the jeweller's latest designs.

The media company used its parking arcade billboards with a backlit hoarding to pique the interest of passers by. The campaign began in September and finishes this month, October, and has been reinforced by the jewellery group's print advertising campaign.

"Primall Media has given us the opportunity to turn what are essentially rather gloomy areas of the parkade into high-impact environments, allowing us to claim visual ownership, and elevate the status of our brand," commented Kristen Malan, Marketing Manager for Charles Greig, who went on to say the campaign has delivered measurable results in terms of sales.

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