KWV gets Level 4 rating

KWV has achieved a level 4 BBBEE rating during its recent evaluation. The company started out as a level 7 contributor in 2007 and was on a level 5 last year. This new rating means that it is 100% compliant and therefore a 100% procurement recognised company.
KWV gets Level 4 rating

Its most significant improvements in the past year were in the areas of learning and development and preferential procurement. It remains a very solid performer in the areas of ownership, socio economic development and enterprise development.

Withmore 1 (previously known as Phetogo), which has a 25.1% shareholder in the company, has given back over R300 million to date to its broad based shareholders.

Through its Khula programme, KWV is focusing on training unemployed youth in the Paarl and Worcester areas for the hospitality sector. A total of 76 students completed the four-month training programme and 20 are now permanently employed.

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