Chicken Licken to leave agency Net#work BBDO

NEWSWATCH: After 13 years together, fast-food chain Chicken Licken has decided to leave agency Net#work BBDO, reports
Chicken Licken to leave agency Net#work BBDO

According to Net#work BBDO's group creative officer, Mike Schalit, the decision has been likely to happen for some time, giving the agency room to plan for the inevitable outcome.

Chicken Licken opened its first store in 1981 by owner George Sombonos and has been labelled as the largest non-american fried chicken franchise in the world. Sombonos' daughter Chantal is next in line to take over the business.

The franchise hasn't changed its logo since its inception in 1981 and is well-known for its tagline "soul food". The Chicken Licken ads have always been well-received, so the agency will depart on a successful note.

According to Marklives, there are rumblings the franchise might be moving to Joe Public, however these reports are not confirmed.

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