Sexual harassment in the media...

The August issue of The Media carries an exposé on sexual harassment in the media and also features an article in which it is suggested that ICASA has failed to fulfil its brief.

The August edition of The Media magazine celebrates women in our industry, not least of all because it coincides with The Women in the Media Awards. In this issue you will find an expose on sexual harassment in the media with a number of high-powered women telling of their own experiences.

Don't miss the article on how despite all efforts, ICASA has failed to fulfill its brief.

Then, international journalist Hannah Storm - who put together a book on the experiences of women journalists on the frontline - tells the stories behind the publication. Find out more about the winners and finalists of The Women in The Media Awards, including an in-depth story on Terry Volkwyn, the Woman of the Decade. And that's not all...

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