New bill will protect the corrupt?

NEWSWATCH: Critics of the proposed Protection of Information Bill reckon that because it is so wide-ranging and restrictive in its present form it will actually protect those guilty of corruption, reports IOL. Meanwhile, the ANC is considering what calls 'a total onslaught against the printed media', and it also has a 'media plan' that calls for harsher punishments for reporters who get it wrong, reports Times Live.
New bill will protect the corrupt?

For more:

  • IOL: Media gag will protect the corrupt... Only a short while ago Jacob Zuma said that his administration would create an anti-corruption task team to "fast-track the investigation and prosecution of corruption"; now his administration is trying to put in place a law (which proposes quite draconian punishments for those journalists found guilty of transgressing it) that critics reckon will help the corrupt escape the claws of just such a task team.
  • ANC sets sights on newspapers... So much for a free media... The ANC apparently wants to use "legislation and intervention" to make the media more "diverse".
  • Times Live: ANC's media tribunal plan... Apparently, not only is the media 'too white' but, what's more, the authors of the ANC document in question reckon there's possibly collusion and price fixing as well...
  • ANC document in full

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