No porn thanks - we're South Africans

NEWSWATCH: Trade union Solidarity says more than 41 000 people have voted against DStv launching a pornographic channel, reports IOL, which also reports that the docket for an intimidation complaint that was laid by Durban's Mercury news editor against a wealthy businessman and former policeman has been lost. But all is not lost...
No porn thanks - we're South Africans

For more:

  • IOL: 'No to porn on DStv' … The union plans to hand to MultiChoice all the messages protesting against any porn channel after members of the public gave Solidarity a helping hand with its campaign.
  • IOL: Mpisane docket goes missing… The docket for Mercury news editor Philani Makhanya's complaint of intimidation against Sbu Mpisane apparently went missing (what a surprise), and the “investigating officer” allegedly told his lawyer that the prosecutor had declined to prosecute. “Not so” replied the prosecutor...

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