eNews, the ‘crime kissers'?

NEWSWATCH: Minister Nathi Mthethwa and national police commissioner Bheki Cele have accused eNews of being "crime kissers" reports Times Live, and the Professional Journalists Association (Projourn) has come out in support of the eNews stance, reports IOL. Yesterday it was announced at a press conference that one of the alleged criminals who made threats against tourists in the controversial eNews interview, had been arrested, reports Mail & Guardian.
eNews, the ‘crime kissers'?

For more:

  • Times Live: eNews a bunch of 'crime kissers' - Cele… The police minister and Cele say that eNews is "giving [the police] the finger”.
  • IOL: Media group backs e.tv… Projourn's Raymond Joseph said journalists have a duty to protect their sources' identities, "and this is not negotiable - both from an ethical and a pragmatic point of view".
  • Mail & Guardian: Mthethwa: 'A friend of a criminal is a criminal'… In announcing that one of the alleged criminals had been arrested, Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa took the opportunity to take a swipe at eNews, saying “We are of the view that a friend of a criminal is a criminal.”

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