Johnnic acquires Ochre Media

Johnnic Communications has acquired an 80% majority share in communications and television content company Ochre Media through its subsidiary, Johncom Media Investments. A significant aspect of the acquisition is that Ochre will begin providing Johnnic's own brands with high quality marketing and communications services.

Says Mike Robertson, CEO of Johncom Media, "The acquisition forms part of Johncom Media's strategy to build on its range of products and services to the South African advertising and communications market - a market we believe is increasingly demanding innovative and multi-channel communication solutions."

Ochre's communications work includes integrated marketing communication solutions for clients in both the private and public sectors, with specialised expertise in social marketing and health and development communications.

Ochre clients include the major broadcasters, the National Department of Health, Unilever, and the City of Johannesburg. It is responsible for a number of well-known television shows, including Zola 7, Scandal and Mzanzi.

Robertson has also indicated that following the acquisition, Ochre Media will be headed by Enver Groenewald, general manager, strategic communications, at Johncom Media.

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