The road trip from hell has never been shy to make the most of South Africans' ability to laugh at themselves and the new ad campaign makes the most out of those tedious car trips with lousy music, in the new "Road Trip Treffers" campaign.'s agency MorrisJones & Co, were very specific in their brief to the production company: "We need an appallingly bad ad," they said. And indeed they got one. The ad shows a sweaty looking family heading off by car to their holiday destination accompanied by a mix of seedy "Road Trip Treffers", greasy food and bored screaming children - thereby encompassing the very worst of that frightening local end of year migration to the coastal regions.

Ultimately the message is simply this: don't drive - fly

Executive Director of, Gidon Novick, says the feedback so far has been extremely positive. "We created quite an offbeat ad, and we always knew we ran the risk of people not quite getting this one. It seems though that we read our fellow South Africans right and the vast majority of people are getting a good laugh out of 'Roadtrip Treffers' while appreciating the message. Driving really does suck, particularly over the holiday period. Your safest route is via!"

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