The Night of the Adeaters

"The Night of the Adeaters" - a festival show featuring 500 of the finest, most artistic, funniest, most amazing and creative advertising films from around the world - will be shown in South Africa for the first time.

Those in search of innovative new ideas for marketing, or producing catchy and unique adds may just get the boost they need with "The Night of the Adeaters". This festival show, which features 500 of the finest, most artistic, funniest, most amazing and creative advertising films from around the world will be screened in South Africa for the first time on Sunday 28th September 2003.

The screenings will take place in Cresta Gardens (a new extension of Gauteng's Cresta Shopping Centre) from 10am to 4pm and again from 5pm to 11pm on the Sunday – literally providing viewers with a day and night of non-stop advertising action.

The show is fun, easy and has a contagious element of excitement. It is a statement of our times, and a common language for all audiences. From its birthplace in France, "The Night of the Adeaters®" is already an established and anticipated annual event in 160 cities across 47 countries including Russia, Japan, China and Mexico. It contains more than 560, 000 films and grows by another 25, 000 additional items each year.

This fantastic show, which crosses all boundaries of language and culture, may just provide marketers and those in the advertising and media industries with that much needed inspiration as they witness advertising at its best.

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