Brand Practice and Entrepreneurship

This course aims to provide students with vivid guidelines in creating one's own business in context of sound brand building practice. The interrelationship between the characteristics of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur creating a personal brand with cognisance to brand identity, reputation management and sound business principles will be supportive learning outcomes.

This course is for people wanting to become entrepreneurs and understanding the value of brand building within that or current entrepreneurs wanting to learn more about branding to become more successful. Plenty Entrepreneurship courses focus on the business aspects only -especially relating to small business skills; whereas this course will fulfil that desperate need for entrepreneurs to get to grips with personal branding, thus "the person being the brand" when becoming an entrepreneur. Students would essentially understand that Richard Branson, Lady Gaga and Tokyo Sexwale, for example, made a huge success by becoming a huge name, thanks to sculpting a solid brand.

This course is also relevant to current entrepreneurs wanting to learn more about brand building in business on a practical level.

Date: 05 June 2013 to 07 June 2013
Time: 09:00 - 12:00
Venue: Vega Pretoria, Pretoria
Cost: R6350

More info:

5th Floor, 501 Jorrissen Street, Sunnyside East.

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