Calls for African leaders to prioritise jobs

PRETORIA: South Africa has called on African heads of state to put job creation on the top of their agendas.
Calls for African leaders to prioritise jobs
© zimmytws –

In a statement, the Department of Labour's Chief Director on International Relations, Sipho Ndebele, said creating jobs would uplift the continent and remove it from spiralling unemployment.

He also urged them to use the forthcoming leaders' summit in Ouagadougou in September to reiterate their 2004 decision that employment should remain central to the continent's socio-economic policies.

Ndebele was speaking in Geneva on the topic, focusing on how the International Labour Organisation, along with member states, could promote the inclusion of employment goals in the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.

"Coherence and complementarity between pro-employment macro-economic frameworks and labour market interventions to promote jobs should be promoted," he said.

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