Appeal court to rule on SAPS race row

The Labour Appeal Court is expected to rule this week on an affirmative action case against the SA Police Service, trade union Solidarity said on Tuesday.

Solidarity spokesman Dirk Hermann said he expected judgment by Friday, and predicted the matter would end up in the Constitutional Court.

Solidarity brought the matter to court on behalf of police Captain Renate Barnard.

She was refused a promotion due to affirmative action. Hermann said Barnard applied for the same position twice and was each time recommended as the most suitable candidate by the interview panel.

"However, she was not appointed on the basis of her skin colour. After she had applied for the position for a third time, it was withdrawn," said Hermann.

The Labour Court ruled in Solidarity's favour in February 2010, but the police appealed against the ruling.

Source: Sapa via I-Net Bridge

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