New Labour bills need more consultation

The Steel and Engineering Industries' Federation of South Africa (SEIFSA) has expressed concern about amendments contained in the Basic Conditions of Employment and Labour Relations Amendment Bills.
Mildred Oliphant: Adamant, labour brokers will not be banned. (Image: GCIS)
Mildred Oliphant: Adamant, labour brokers will not be banned. (Image: GCIS)

In a statement on Friday, the employer body said the bills, including those further regulating labour broking, are punitive and place unnecessary additional restrictions on legitimate business operations.

The comments were triggered by the Cabinet approval of the amendments to the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act on Thursday.

Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant was adamant that labour brokers will not be banned, but will come under stricter regulations.

Killing employment opportunities

The changes the to the labour laws have been dogged with controversy, especially after trade union movement Cosatu had insisted that labour brokers, the firms that supply temporary labour to other organisations, be banned outright.

"SEIFSA shares the disappointment expressed by Business Unity SA that Cabinet has decided to approve the bills without conducting a further regulatory impact assessment on the impact of these bills on business, employment and job creation.

"SEIFSA continues to believe that the bills, once implemented, will have a negative impact on business, will reduce the number of existing jobs and will hamper the creation of new employment opportunities in the industry," the federation said.

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