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AMASA Joburg October forum - The Road to Outdoor

After launching the Gauteng Data to the industry last month, the Out of Home Measurement Council (OMC) will be presenting their new Roadside Outdoor Audience Data (ROAD), currency overview and methodology, Gauteng insights and the Quantum software, to AMASA members and friends.
AMASA Joburg October forum - The Road to Outdoor

The presentation will demonstrate the strategic value this new outdoor roadside currency will provide to OOH media owners, marketers and media planners.

The presentation will include: OMC Structure, Members and Methodology, Video Presentation, Topline Findings and Insights.

Join us as we talk The Road to Outdoor with:

  • JCDecaux

  • Primedia Outdoor

  • Outdoor Network

  • Kuper Research

  • Telmar

Free entry, drinks and snacks.

Date: 5 October 2016; 16h30 for 17h00.

Venue: Ster-Kinekor Preview Theatre, 185 Katherine Street, Marlboro.

4 Oct 2016 11:41


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