City goes after water guzzlers

The City of Cape Town will start knocking on doors this week to install devices that restrict supply to water guzzlers.
City goes after water guzzlers
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"If there is a knock on your door, don't be surprised when it is our water inspectorate coming to inspect your water use," said mayoral committee member for informal settlements, water and waste services, and energy Xanthea Limberg.

"We will be forcibly reducing the water use of those who cannot justify their high water usage. We will see our first cases this week," she said.

Dam storage levels are at 27.9%, but the usable water reserve is now at 17.9%. Water usage is 642-million litres a day - 142-million above the city's target of 500-million litres a day.

Previously, water management devices were only installed to assist with consumer debt management and not for high usage.

The city's water inspectorate and law enforcement agencies have handled about 33,000 inquiries, contraventions, notices and revocations of special water use exemptions since the end of October.

"Our rainfall in July has been minimal - at most recorded points at least half to a third less than our long-term July average.

"If we do not save now, we will run out of water," said Limberg.

Source: The Times

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