East Cape candidates fail to impress JSC

None of the four candidates interviewed for the Eastern Cape judge president position have made the cut, the Judicial Service Commission said.
East Cape candidates fail to impress JSC
© Sebnem Ragiboglu 123rf.com

The commission announced that it would not be recommending any of the candidates it interviewed to President Jacob Zuma.

Pressed to share his weaknesses during his interview, high court judge, Mandela Makaula, who has at times taken months to deliver outstanding judgments, said he had none, and the delays mostly occurred when he was battling chronic diabetes.

Chief justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng, failed to find the humour when incumbent seputy judge president in the division, Zamani Nhlangulela, made light of allegations that some judges only arrived at work at 11am.

"I only have two eyes. If I had 10 eyes, I would know, so now I am relying on being told," he told the JSC during his interview.

Mogoeng replied: "I have a problem in the manner in which you make light of serious things.

"You are there making jokes of things which discredit the judiciary."

Source: The Herald

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