LSM report reviews cloud technology

London School of Marketing (LSM) has published an article reviewing the rise of cloud technology and its impact on digital marketing strategy...
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"Today, there is a new norm and digital strategies and its associated technology are merely the price of entry. In other words, investing in digital marketing technology will not necessarily win customers from your competitors, but this technology is absolutely essential in order to play the game in the first place," the article states. "This is the case with cloud technology as well: investing it in is no longer a question of 'if', but 'when.'"

Complementing a comprehensive range of blogs, whitepapers and case studies designed to support students pursuing sought-after marketing, business and academic designations, this article is of particular relevance to students of the DMI Diploma programme. It defines both digital strategy and cloud technology, explains the influence each has on the other and breaks down the key benefits cloud technology can offer to digital marketers.

"More and more consumers are going online, with children as young as ten signing on to social media. This means that the journey from ''see product'' to ''buy product'' is a difficult one to measure, due to the availability of the various channels that engage consumers," the article concludes. "Cloud technology aids digital marketers in creating, managing, measuring and personalising the customer journey, while reducing both cost and complexity."

Click here to read the full article.

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