In sales today, knowledge really is power

Sales used to be simple: Make a cold call. Get an appointment. Meet and build rapport. Uncover needs with probing questions. Deliver your pitch or presentation. Overcome any objections. Close the deal. Sign on the line.
In sales today, knowledge really is power
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Sales is no longer simple. There is too much competition, too little time, too much distraction, too little money. Customers (existing and potential) don't have much time to speak to sales people, they believe they have more important things to do.

In the past, to succeed in sales, among a few other things, you had to have in depth product knowledge so that you could answer all of your customers' questions. In today's world, product knowledge is still of utmost importance, but it is not the only necessity when you consider the bigger picture of ongoing sales success. To remain relevant in the sales game, you will need a much wider range of knowledge, an up-to-date set of sales tools to enable you to survive and thrive regardless of the ever-increasing changes and challenges.

An effective sales toolkit includes the following:

  • A solid grasp of the psychology of selling
  • A clearly defined, service-based sales approach
  • A well-designed, repeatable sales process
  • A street smart sales strategy, with an irresistible value proposition
  • A simple and functional admin or CRM system which works
  • Effective time management, planning and productivity skills
  • Increased business awareness and relevant industry expertise
  • Enhanced interpersonal communication skills
  • Acute questioning and listening skills
  • Advanced negotiation and closing skills
  • Emotional intelligence skills for self-motivation
  • A hunger to keep learning every day

It has always been said that sales is a numbers game. So here are the knowledge numbers that really count. If you want to still be relevant in the sales game five to ten years from now, I recommend that you commit to investing at least one hour per week, for 48 weeks per year, to growing your personal knowledge about this profession of selling. Read sales books, blogs, newsletters and magazines. Attend sales talks, courses, webinars and events. Subscribe to Facebook sales pages, Twitter feeds, YouTube channels and industry forums. Find a coach or mentor. Reach out and grab hold of every piece of sales knowledge you can lay your hands on - starting right now! Because in sales today, knowledge really is power.

Yours in sales success.

About Mark Berger

Sales Training Specialist. Motivational Speaker Extraordinaire. Team Building Facilitator. Personal Leadership Coach.
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