Mail & Guardian Crisis Management Workshop

This half-day workshop looks at how to manage and communicate during a period of crisis.

During a crisis, a company must ensure every touch point is aware of the situation. You must communicate your chosen message to all stakeholders in a focused and systematic way. This averts any perception that a crisis exists, and minimises perceived or actual damage to your reputation.

Crises that are not dealt with in an urgent and systematic manner from the onset, can cause irreparable damage to the organisation's reputation and credibility. It is therefore imperative to undertake scenario planning and formulate an effective crisis management and communication plan that would showcase the organisation's strength's amidst the crisis.

Workshop agenda
•Crisis management plan - develop, implement, execute
•Importance of scenario planning
•Crisis communication - crafting the messages for all touch points
•Who should be in charge and involved
•Stakeholder engagements
•Crisis media event planning and management
•Print, social media and press coordination
•Tips and rules of crisis management
•Preparing your CEO as the spokesperson
•The new threat - social media and how to manage it
•Restoring reputation amidst crisis

Date: 20 February 2018
Time: 08:30 - 13:00
Venue: Glenhove Conference Centre, Johannesburg

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