Agriculture Value Chains Course

Value chains are a key framework for understanding how products move from the producers to the customers. The value chain perspective provides an important means to understand the business to business relationships, mechanisms for increasing efficiency, and ways to enable businesses to increase productivity and add value.

Event: Agriculture Value Chains Course

Venue: Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya.

Event Date: 22nd - 26th January 2018.



Value chains are a key framework for understanding how products move from the producers to the customers. The value chain perspective provides an important means to understand the business to business relationships, mechanisms for increasing efficiency, and ways to enable businesses to increase productivity and add value.
It provides a reference point for improvements in services and the business environment. It is a vehicle for pro-poor initiatives and for linking small businesses with the market. Value chains therefore reside at the core of high-impact and sustainable initiatives focused on improving productivity, competitiveness, entrepreneurship, and SME growth.
This one week course will provide hands-on training in Agriculture value chains and the application of Knowledge to decision making in AVC processes planning and Management to value chain participants and practitioners.
The workshop offers intensive training that will cover the fundamental concepts and tools for scanning and improving AVC. By attending this course, the capacity of Development professionals who are actively engaged in the AVC related support activities in governmental and non-governmental organizations will be built/ enhanced

This course is intended for various actors in the Agriculture value chain working with communities, in governments, funding agencies, Research organizations and non-government organizations among others for AVC support activities and other Development programmes.

5 Days

• Understanding concept of Value chains in particular Agriculture Value chains
• Understand the structure of various Agriculture based value chains and the Various tools in developing an Agriculture value chain
• Appreciate the need to work with value chains
• Gain insights into the respective actor roles in the value chains
• Approaches to setting up Agriculture value chains
• Value chain financing
• Participants apply the newly enhanced understandings to improve and promote value chain development in the agricultural sectors of their bases and analyze the success of this aforementioned development.

• Understanding concept of Value chains in particular Agriculture Value chains
• Understand the structure of various Agriculture based value chains and the Various tools in developing an Agriculture value chain
• Appreciate the need to work with value chains
• Gain insights into the respective actor roles in the value chains
• Approaches to setting up Agriculture value chains
• Value chain financing
• Multi-stakeholder processes in AVCs
• Effective public policy management in AVCs
• Group strengthening
• Strengthening value chain service providers
• AVC's Market intelligence
• Inclusive market systems development
• Analyzing the structure and dynamics of value chains
• Developing value chain strategies to overcome constraints and increase competitiveness
• Increasing the inclusiveness of market systems-Approaches
• Catalyzing private sector stakeholders to collaborate and improve industry performance
• Get basic knowledge of analyzing qualitative data for humanitarian, emergency and development sector programmes related to AVC
• Use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and GPS to gather data, collaborate and share information.
• Communicate findings to stimulate learning and reflection.

Visit our website for more details.

How to participate
• Tailor Make a Course
• Register as an Individual
• Register as a Group
• Become One of Our Partners.
• Purchase software's
• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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View Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Livelihoods Development Institute Course Catalogue

For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020. Email gro.hcraeserhtpedni@hcaertuo

Date: 22 January 2018 to 26 January 2018
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya., Nairobi
Cost: $ 1100

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