Entries for 2014 Assegai Awards close this month

Entries for the 2014 Assegai Awards will close on Monday 15 September 2014.
Entries for 2014 Assegai Awards close this month

The Direct Marketing Association of Southern Africa and the lead sponsor, the South African Post Office, are looking forward to receiving well targeted and imaginative campaigns. The judges will be looking at ROI and great strategic thinking in the entries they receive.

"With the number of new categories this year, we anticipate effective, innovative work to be submitted which spans every aspect of data driven, digital and traditional direct marketing," says Alastair Tempest, COO of the DMASA.

For more information, go to www.assegaiawards.co.za or e-mail az.oc.sdrawaiagessa@ofni.

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com