Old Mutual to sponsor SUSPI Duo Challenge

Old Mutual has signed on as the official title sponsor of the Stellenbosch University Sport Performance Institute (SUSPI) Duo Challenge - a 24km mountain bike race - which will take place on Sunday, 25 November 2012.
Old Mutual to sponsor SUSPI Duo Challenge

The Old Mutual SUSPI Duo Challenge supported by BMT bike shop is a 24km mountain bike race (two laps of 12.5km) and a 10km trail run (two laps of 5km) in which individuals or teams can participate by either doing both the cycle and the run, or one aspect of the challenge.

There is also a Half Duo - 12km mountain bike race and 5km trail run - for 15 to 19-year-olds and a Kids Duo - 1km mountain bike race and 400m run - for under-15s. The full Duo kicks off at 8.30am, the half at 9am, and the kids at 10am.

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