Premier Zille urged to work with ministers

PRETORIA: The Presidency has urged Western Cape Premier Helen Zille to work with her colleagues, the ministers in the relevant portfolios, to discuss the assistance she needs to resolve the strikes by farmworkers in the province.
Premier Zille urged to work with ministers

In a statement, the Presidency said that it had noted media statements by Zille that President Jacob Zuma should assist her in this regard.

According to media reports, Zille had written to Zuma calling for his urgent intervention and the deployment of SA National Defence Force (SANDF) troops to the areas affected by the strikes.

"We wish to point out that the premier has access to all line function national ministries that are working on the matter, such as Labour, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the SA Police Services," said the Presidency.

It said that Zuma had approved the employment of the SANDF in September to assist the police in areas around the country where there has been unrest.

"Premier Zille is again urged to speak to her colleagues, the ministers responsible, to discuss the request," said the Presidency.

It added that the President supported the ministers and the premier as they work to bring the situations under normality.

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