SACAP's coach training gains international accreditation

All three of the coaching programmes offered by SACAP (the South African College of Applied Psychology) are now accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ICF, which was founded in the USA in 1995, is the world's largest coaching organisation connecting practitioners and educators in a professional community that today, spans more than 100 countries.
SACAP's coach training gains international accreditation

With 15 years of coach training experience, SACAP empowers South Africans to harness their potential and effect change through its rigorous coach education. The part-time courses are designed for working professionals who aim to either develop as professional coaches or practice coaching in their own workplace.

“Our current coach education programmes have always been aligned to the ICF competencies and requirements,” comments Karolyne Williams, Head of Coaching at SACAP, “However, we are very pleased to achieve the accreditation, which will definitely be of benefit to our graduates.” The recent ICF accreditation will be a particular advantage to coaches who aim to develop international practices and interact in global coaching communities.

SACAP’s two-year Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching (PGDC) is a comprehensive NQF 8 level qualification, equivalent to an Honours degree, while their Coach Practitioner Programme is five months and the Advanced Coach Practitioner Programme is six months long. These learning programmes respectively provide foundational and in-depth theory as well as extensive practical skills.

The courses are underpinned by SACAP’s deep roots as a leading provider of education in the field of Applied Psychology. Through SACAP’s lens, coaching is an applied psychology, and by understanding and applying psychological principles within their specific scope of practice, coaches are able to work far more effectively with others.

The institution is also known for its thorough curriculum and students’ rich access to professional coach educators and mentor coaches. Students study on campus in the evenings and during four-day long intensives, engaging closely with expert coaches who deliver the curriculum and share their real-world experience. Small and intimate classrooms enable students to gain self-insight, deepen their interpersonal skills, explore a range of coaching models, uncover their own signature presence and ultimately develop their own coaching models.

Rigorous academic foundations are combined with gaining practical skills and achieving self-development. “We tend to find that SACAP graduates are on their own paths of lifelong learning,” says Lance Katz, SACAP’s CEO. “We strive to provide a learning environment of excellence that empowers them with the knowledge, insights and confidence they want in order to positively impact on their realities and to contribute to a healthier and happier South African society.”

SACAP’s Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching, Coach Practitioner Programme and Advanced Coach Practitioner Programme are available on both the Johannesburg and Cape Town campuses. Courses begin in May 2017, and admissions close at the end of March.

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