Performing arts master class application deadline extended to 4 February

Teachers, producers and directors of musicals for developing performers and youths in the Eastern Cape are invited to apply to attend a master class, which aims to equip participants with information, knowledge and tools to put together a musical successfully, from beginning to end, with good production values, even on a tight budget.

For the second time, on 18 and 19 March 2013, the Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) in partnership with the Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO) will present a Musical Theatre Master Class in East London. The class is aimed at practitioners who specifically work with amateur performers in the discipline of musical theatre.

After the class, participants should be able to assess the feasibility and fit of a musical for their purposes. They will know how best to recruit a creative and technical team, and they will be able to develop an auditioning and casting process.

Participants should be able to structure and schedule a rehearsal process and have learned ways to save time. They will be able to differentiate between different styles of performance and understand basic stagecraft.

Participants will know how to approach the technical and vocal aspects of the musical, as well as staging, choreography, lighting, sound, costumes, props, set and make-up. The curriculum aims to bring participants a holistic view of the entire production process from selection of a musical to the night the curtain goes up.

Presented by experts

The master class will be presented by musical theatre experts, Anton Luitingh and Duane Alexander.

Anton Luitingh is currently the resident director of the musical Jersey Boys, which will perform locally and in Asia. He has been involved in many facets of the entertainment industry, working as an actor, singer, songwriter, director, musical director, musician and voice artist.

Duane Alexander graduated from the Waterfront Theatre School in Cape Town and went on to perform in the original South African production of Cats, which toured internationally for almost three years. He further performed in local and international productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Jesus Christ Superstar, Rent, Chicago, Beauty and the Beast, and High School Musical.

He also has extensive experience as dance captain and choreographer, having worked on most of these shows in this capacity. He was the resident director of the 2010 production of Cats and was the resident choreographer of the 2010 international tour of Grease.

How to apply

Eligible candidates are invited to apply to attend the master class at no fee. To submit an application, go to or use Google docs.

Successful applicants will be required to arrange and cover the costs of their transport to and from the class. The closing date for applications is 4 February.

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