Getting new customers business breakfast

Getting new customers is all about opening doors not closing sales. In this half day session presented by Richard Mulvey and Charlotte Kemp, we will explore the latest techniques and technologies that will get your sales team in front of more qualified prospects.

We all know that selling is a numbers game. All things being equal if you see more prospects you will close more sales. The digital world, however, has given us a range of new tools to help us find more prospects and convert them to customers.

By attending this session your team will learn how to :

-Get new customers
-Double the number of prospects overnight
-Increase the number of appointments by 25%
-Make cold calling fun!
-Get past the gatekeeper
-Be creative when attracting customers to your business
-Motivate yourself to better performance
-Fill the top of the pipeline
-Use the dynamic dozen to build sales strategies

Power prospect in the digital age
-Use social media to attract leads, and then use the same tools to qualify those leads
-Attract leads 24/7 even when you are on a break
-Keep in touch with leads who are not yet in the purchasing stage of the buying cycle
-Get valuable referrals offline and connect with them online
-Use online testimonials to build your reputation and trust
-Attract prospects way beyond your traditional territory
-Avoid using cold calling altogether

We all know that most reliable source of business for your company this year will be your existing customer base but will that be enough to grow your business? You will have to continue to grow your customer base if your want to have a good year and in this presentation Richard Mulvey and Charlotte Kemp will show your team how to get in front of hundreds of new qualified prospects.

Durban Business Breakfast: 13 February 2018
Time: 08:00 - 11:30
Venue: Gateway Hotel, Durban
Cost: R695 + VAT or book a table for 6 for R3,500 + VAT

Johannesburg Business Breakfast: 14 February 2018
Time: 08:00 - 11:30
Venue: Oaklands Inn, Randburg
Cost: R695 + VAT or book a table for 6 for R3,500 + VAT

Cape Town Business Breakfast: 15 February 2018
Time: 08:00 - 11:30
Venue: Catharina's Steenberg, Cape Town
Cost: R695 + VAT or book a table for 6 for R3,500 + VAT

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