From Africa to the World: Windhoek Lager presents Didier Drogba...

Andrew Lang, creative group head at advertising agency Jupiter Drawing Room Cape Town, discusses the Windhoek Lager 'Journey to Greatness' Didier Drogba campaign - the thinking behind it and results thus far... (video)

Lang explains the thinking behind appointing Didier Drogba as the brand representative for this campaign: The positioning the ad agency came up with was around 'Africa's World Class Beer', and Lang says that " made sense to look for an African who had left African Shores and become famous elsewhere."

From Africa to the World: Windhoek Lager presents Didier Drogba...

In their search for a famous African face, Jupiter researched various markets in Africa, and randomly asked people about who they thought the most significant famous African footballers were. "In every group we spoke to, Drogba's name rose to the top.

"I think he was a really good fit for the brand because not only is he a great humanitarian, he is also a great role model - a family man, loving husband and father - and he has left Africa, done exceptionally well on the world stage - but all the while staying true to his roots," says Lang. Read the full article.

Watch the full video interview with Andrew Lang here:

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