Official launch of 'Grab your Dream' and 'Rock n Rhyme' workshops for ECD

Khulisa Social Solutions and the 'Daring to Dream' movement have collaborated to launch two bold new workshops; 'Grab your Dream' and 'Rock n Rhyme' that provide a foundation and tools that will help individuals to escape the prospect of a life of grinding poverty.
Official launch of 'Grab your Dream' and 'Rock n Rhyme' workshops for ECD

This initiative is in keeping with stated government priority to target Early Childhood Development (ECD) as a vital element in the war on child poverty and as a means of developing South Africa's human capital to its full potential. Social Development Minister, Bathabile Dlamini, stresses that the only way to defeat the country's socio-economic challenges is through investing in educating children at the early ages of their lives.

Principles of resilience

In its pilot phase, youth, educators and caregivers have been taught principles of resilience through the 'Grab your Dream*' workshop, whilst children have been shown how to be resilient through the 'Rock n Rhyme*' workshops. The movement's Early Childhood Development focus will be officially announced at the Lapeng Child and Family Resource Centre in Joubert Park, Johannesburg on 15 April 2014.

Following this phase, the 'Daring to Dream' movement will launch an educational package comprising a DVD compilation of nursery rhymes with movements and a workbook. The workbook will be a tool for educators, parents and caregivers to support the development and education of their children. The outcome of this package is to crystallise and contextualise education at the foundation phase that will empower adults to infuse important lessons into the development of children.

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