Next AMASA meeting challenges readership figures

At the next AMASA meeting, scheduled for 6 March 2013 in Sandton, Pete Langschmidt of ConsumerScope will present 'Real Penetration of South African Print and Digital Media'. According to his presentation, "the fact of the matter is that newspaper and magazine readership is impossibly high, not unbelievably high, impossibly high."
Next AMASA meeting challenges readership figures

In his presentation, he will challenge reader per copy figures, expand on AMPS and AdEx figures and look at the effectiveness and accessibility of digital media and media consumption by lifestyle levels.

"The association is always looking for topics that will draw debate from our industry and we're confident that this presentation fits that bill," says AMASA's chairperson Lyn Jones. "We look forward to a healthy attendance and identifying the way forward following this discussion."

The free presentation takes place at 4pm at Ster-Kinekor Preview Theatre, Primovie Park, 185 Katherine Street, Sandton.

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