DALRO presents copyright laws to communication professionals

The International Association of Business Communicators will present a workshop on 20 February on the laws of copyright and features the new business licence, launched by the Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO), and how it gives businesses legal permission to copy and distribute content through relationships with local publishers and affiliate international organisations.
DALRO presents copyright laws to communication professionals

The presenters are Steve Matthewson, managing editor: news at Business Day/BDlive and Sarah-Jane Bosch, business development manager at DALRO. The workshop will be held at Foxwood House, Houghton from 8-11am and includes a full breakfast. The cost to IABC Members is R200 and R300 to non-members. For more, email Tertia on az.oc.bewm@daitret or call her on +27 (0) 82 377 5554.

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com