Maritime Security guide supports human-centered security system

The Nautical Institute has launched Maritime Security - a practical guide to making vessels more secure and creating a security culture that can be applied both onboard and ashore, Ports and Ships website reports. While security has become part of life on board ships, the number and sophistication of the threats to security have also increased.

Publication of this guide is in line with The Nautical Institute's Strategic Plan for 2011-2015, which identified maritime security as a continuing and major concern for the industry and particularly those serving at sea.

According to Maritime Security author Steven Jones, who is also Maritime Director of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI), there is no room for complacency and those responsible for vessel crews, cargoes and the ships themselves must continue to develop a security management system that actually works on board. "People are the key to security," Jones tells Ports and Ships website, adding that the new guide aims to help "creating a security management system which has the human element at its core."

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