Helen Zille to address Silicon Cape event tonight

At 5pm today, 23 October 2012, Helen Zille will address the annual Silicon Cape meeting, at Trinity in Cape Town, where hundreds of its 6000 members will meet to review the initiative's activity in the year and provide yet another a platform for interaction between entrepreneurs and investors in this sector.
Helen Zille to address Silicon Cape event tonight

Rob Stokes, chairman of the Silicon Cape Initiative says, "Having Helen Zille as our keynote speaker is a huge coup for us. Every year we look for speakers who can inspire us and share information and insight into how to build better businesses. While there have been some great entrepreneurial successes this year, rather than have a member of our direct community speak, we have chosen a woman who can speak to us of the potential for partnership with government."

The initiative's aim is to build a start-up eco-system in the Western Cape to increase the number and calibre of ICT businesses in South Africa. "Over the past two years we have focused on the entrepreneurs themselves and found ways to provide more opportunities and access to resources and skills. Next year we are hoping to take this further by creating better, stronger relationships with the public sector," adds Stokes.

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