'Dragon's Den' style live investing event launches today

Sparkup! Investor Den, based on the internationally acclaimed Dragon's Den TV series, launches today, Monday 19 May 2014 in South Africa.
Wayne Gosling and Daniel Guasco
Wayne Gosling and Daniel Guasco

Described as the first live investment event in South Africa, up to R1 Million is available to a variety of startups in a 'Dragon Den' styled pitching event.

Early stage entrepreneurs that successfully graduate from the programme are given three minutes to pitch their business to active angel investors, which include Wayne Gosling and Daniel Guasco, the joint CEOs of Groupon South Africa. Investors are given time to ask questions and make cash offers for equity in the businesses.

For more information, go to http://sparkup.co.za/sparkup-live.

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com