2014 IPM Excellence Awards

'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.' - Aristotle

At The Institute of People Management, we believe in excellence - because excellence drives results that matter.

We invite you to showcase a culture of excellence, through identifying and nominating excellence where you see it in the workplace. Our IPM Annual Excellence Awards are designed to recognise and reward excellence in people leadership in the following categories:

  • CEO
  • HR Director
  • HR Practitioner
  • HR Team
  • Emerging HR Practitioner

Take part. You have until 15 September 2014 to submit your nominations.

This link will provide more detail about the awards and how to participate.

To find out more about the IPM Excellence Awards, please send an email to az.oc.mpi@apevitucexe or call +27 (0) 11 716 7508.

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com