Sponsorship agency offers real-time brand-related content

Johannesburg-based sponsorship agency Levergy has announced the launch of 'Levergy Live', a specialised communications and content division that aims to deliver real-time brand-related content for clients through their sponsorship assets.
Sponsorship agency offers real-time brand-related content

The move to focus on this specific offering comes off the back of an increasing amount of social commentary around sporting events. Social platforms come alive with statistics, opinions and additional content, which if appropriately created and seeded by brands, can be a powerful tool in reaching consumers.

"The growth of social platforms and conversation around sporting events is something we feel has not yet been fully harnessed by South African brands," says Clint Paterson, Levergy CEO. "If brands can create great content and seed it through these platforms, value-add to the fan experience becomes genuine and relevant. We have differentiated from traditional social/digital agencies playing in this space as we are sports fans at heart and sponsorship marketers by trade, giving brands a head start in understanding fan insights."

The new division will operate as the full-service communications and will incorporate PR, content creation and online reputation management (ORM), with more announcements expected in the coming weeks.

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