FAO report: fish production to overtake beef, pork and poultry by 2022

According to Southafricamag.com, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) State of World Aquaculture and Fisheries 2012 report says that, along with Morocco and Senegal, South Africa has retained its positions as a major marine producer.

Fish and fishery products are among the most traded food commodities worldwide, the reported said, with trade volumes and values reaching new highs in 2011 and expected to carry on rising, as developing countries continuing to account for the bulk of world exports, reports Southafricamag.com.

"In the next decade, total production from both capture and aquaculture will exceed that of beef, pork or poultry," the report said, warning however, that fish consumption levels remain too low in areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, meaning that they are failing to benefit from the contributions that fisheries and aquaculture are increasingly making elsewhere in terms of sustainable food security and income, Southafricamag.com says.

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